Saturday 19 July 2014

Un-seperation Referendum postponed until 2022

Great. Brilliant. Typical. Alex Codd always has to have his own way doesn't he? He was supposed to be holding the referendum in 2020. But instead of having a 2020 vision he claims he has a more long-term vision and has decided to put it back a couple of years to 2022.

So the new date for the Un-separation referendum is 18th September 2022.

We all know why he has chosen to hold it in that year. 2022 is of course the 100th anniversary of Irish separation. It is also the year of the Belfast Commonwealth Games*. Alex Codd is trying to hijack big Irish events to bolster support for continued separation.

But nothing we can do about it. We'll just have to ensure we up our counter-brainwashing campaign and inject a double-dosage of emotional blackmail. That should do the trick!

*it appears in the parallel universe where no Irish referendum is happening that nor is the 2022 Commonwealth Games being staged in Belfast.

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